Tips on how to Cut Hair At Home - Equipment

There are three methods of cutting hair. They are scissor cutting, clipper cutting and razor cutting. We will concentrate on scissor cutting and clipper cutting since shaving is a more sophisticated technique that requires significantly more practice time and it requires greater strength in the fingers. However, the razor is great to add the appearance of. No matter what method you choose it will require a certain set of tools. Some of the tools you can make use of are a cape, spray bottle, 7-inch and the rat-tail comb and similar types of butterfly hair clips and hair cutting scissors. trimmers and clippers as well as clipper guards and thin shears. You'll be able to find all these tools at a nearby beauty shop your home. Be sure to contact them before you go to determine if they offer products for sale to the general public because a lot of beauty supply stores are distributors of professional licenses only.

When you are choosing a cape, you'll notice that there are many types to choose from. You will see capes for cutting hair as well as capes for chemical or color service, multipurpose capes etc. I would suggest looking for one that is lightweight and not overly large. For instance, color and chemical capes are constructed of a thick plastic to ensure clients' clothes don't be stained by color or get saturated with perm solution. I've found these caps to be too bulky to cut hair with, so I prefer a cape which is light weight and made of cloth. If you're trying to reduce costs, you could use a torn garbage bag however, you should not use this method with a small child because of the danger of the possibility of suffocation. I'd recommend against using a towel since it is really hard to wrap around a person without the bulk blocking the way.

The most common comb used to cut hair is the 7-inch styling comb. It is a great tool for a variety of reasons. For one, the spacing is different on both sides of the comb. One side has teeth spaced very close to each other, while the other has teeth that are spaced a little further apart. This gives different levels of tension. When teeth are spaced more closely, you can comb the hair with much more tension. This can help create precisely-cut lines for cutting. If the teeth are placed further Hair clips apart, it allows you to work with greater quantities of hair. This comb has markings at every inch which makes it easy for you to determine the amount of hair you want to cut or how much hair you should keep on top of the hair after cutting.

Another comb that I like to make use of is the rattail the comb. It is perfect for cutting hair precisely due to its pointed end. Also, the spacing of the teeth is close together so it works great for stretching small sections of hair in order to cut precise lines.

When selecting clips there is no need to choose carefully. The primary consideration when selecting clips is to ensure they can hold a large amount of hair as it is used to clip large pieces of hair out-of-the-way.

Hair cutting scissors are a must. You can't get good hair without these scissors. Really sharp craft scissors will not do the trick. Additionally, as you wouldn't employ craft scissors for cutting hair don't use the hair cutting scissors to cut anything else than hair. Hair cutting scissors are available in a variety of styles and features. It is not necessary to be super fancy when choosing the right pair. I suggest that the scissors have a length five 1/4 inch to 5 3/4 inches long.

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