Five Keys To Good Mental Health

* The first recommendation deals with sleeping. The majority of experts suggest eight hours of rest per evening for adult. A longer period of time than eight hours could lead to depression, or at the very least slowing down. Less than eight hours may result in anxiety or nervousness. However, I am of the opinion that sleep does not have to be accomplished in one block of time. Personally, I'm able to sleep for about three hours and then work on projects for about an hour or two, and then sleep for another one or two hours and then take a nap once or twice throughout the day when I'm tired. Sometimes naps last up to an hour, sometimes only ten minutes. The key, I believe, is to rest when your body is telling you it needs rest. Of course, I'm semi-retired and my schedule won't work for most professionals.

A well-balanced diet can help with mental health. I suggest a diet that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These include the majority of seeds and nuts, but the most effective are walnuts sunflower seeds, ground flaxseeds, and soaked chia seeds. I like to soak my Chia seeds overnight in milk and the result is like a tapioca-based pudding. Cold water fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. sardines and salmon, as well as trout herring and char are the mainstays of the way in this region. Avocado is another good food in this region. Proteins that Treatments for Depression are low in fat can be beneficial like chicken, beans and fish, as well turkey. Of course, a balanced diet built on vegetables and fruits is important, and finally probiotics are helpful for digestion. Those can include sauerkraut, pickles and yogurt.

* A further important aspect is respect - treat yourself with respect and treat yourself well. consider yourself a valuable asset. Find a hobby like fishing; go to a great restaurant or watch a film once a month, keep notes on your ideas, or even go shopping.

* Exercise is an additional factor that boosts self-confidence and overall mental health. An outing, especially in the park or woods - that provides, healthy air, vitality and sun light can provide much needed vitamin D in order to fight depression.

* Finally, it is important to connect with others face-to-face. Conversation can provide a feeling of value. It is beneficial to turn off your smart phone and deal with individuals in person.

These five keys will not ensure good mental health, but they will contribute a lot towards the goal.

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